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By virtue of the authority vested by the Constitution of Virginia in the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, there is hereby officially recognized:

40th Anniversary of Operation Urgent Fury

WHEREAS, Grenada declared its independence from Great Britain in 1974, and after a coup in 1979, those in power aligned themselves with Communist countries; and

WHEREAS, Grenada's economy in 1983 was bolstered by almost 800 American students who studied at St. George's University School of Medicine; and

WHEREAS, the United States, under President Ronald Reagan, was concerned about the Soviet and Cuban influence in Grenada, notably the construction of the Point Salines International Airport considered a cover for a Soviet-Cuban airfield; and

WHEREAS, political turmoil in Grenada that threatened the safety of nearly 1,000 United States citizens residing there, as well as a request by the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States and the nations of Barbados and Jamaica, necessitated the consideration of a rescue operation; and

WHEREAS, despite peace efforts, the Grenadian government obstructed the evacuation of American citizens, necessitating decisive action; and

WHEREAS, a United States-led force along with regional allies successfully restored stability in Grenada; and

WHEREAS, this operation, though complex, served as a catalyst for strategic reforms within the United States military; and

WHEREAS, the selfless sacrifice of 19 brave American soldiers and over one hundred wounded, although deeply tragic, illuminated the need for these reforms, which ultimately led to the passage of the Goldwater-Nichols Act, enhancing joint service operations; and

WHEREAS, we honor all who served and especially the valor of those who fell in Operation Urgent Fury, acknowledging their role in shaping the future of our military and our national defense strategy;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Glenn Youngkin, do hereby recognize October 25, 2023, as the 40th ANNIVERSARY OF OPERATION URGENT FURY in the COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens.